Sunday, July 19, 2009


Secrets of beautiful skin from almost all cultures throughout the world. Everyone has their own ideas. Even dermatologists do not always agree. One of them suggests that the food is beautiful skin. Eating, of course, help but creams nutrients to provide maximum benefit. Here's a look at the best anti-aging secret in the world.

The most beautiful faces are smooth and free of wrinkles. Pigmentation is stillre no stains. Do not look fat and there is no segnoOS stains.

The Most of us have used a variety of cosmetic products to "improve" our respect. But one of the real secrets of beautiful skin to improve the health of the skin. This is one of the beautiful things that nourish the skin has to do, to provide the nutrients needed to sustain and improve the health of the skin. These nutrients include protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

The dadota and fitness experts are often riferimentor them as "super foods" because they are rich in nutrients but low in calories. Some of these "super" foods for beautiful skin include salmon, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, seaweed, apples, grapes and berries. Some of the "bad" choice of foods that are fried, processed, packed or too salty.

Quant supplements beneficial, considering that it contains amino acids, which are necessarienecessari to build collagen, elastin, and keratin acihyaluronic do. All elements that are necessary for society of the skin without wrinkles. Leading brand of vitamin cENTREPRISES not include in their amino acid supplements are often used synthetic vitamins and low cost, rather than the natural way.

Fatty acid omega-3s are also beneficial. In a study thesupplementation has been shown to improve skin firmness by 10%.

Nutritivenen creams containing some of the same nutrients that areor present in foods for beautiful skin, or that contain extracts of a particular food. Wakame seaweed, for example, is considered one of the secrets of beautiful skin, notammentment Japan. It 'very nutritious and can be eaten raw or cooked. Face creams containing extracts have been shown to increase levels of hyaluronic acid by inhibiting the activity of an enzyme that normally breaks.

Avocado oil is one of the secrets of the topical application of skin and fine foodnche help lawyers in May. In one study, the application of avocado oil in a night has been shown to increase the amount of collagen in the skin.

Most companies or tourist sea announce collagen of animal origin, although not specific about what exactly. You can not use collagen and skin cells do not bind with the pro-Colafernand (secreted from the cells) to form fibers.

You see, collagen andthree proteins are long chains of amino acids. A pro-collagen is a small chain of amino acids that are combined with other short chain of amino acids, peptides known to form fibers. Therefore, for the amino acids that are FOOD beauxul to skin creams that contain peptides may increase the production of collagen. These are just some of the secrets of beautiful skin, but should aiutaredare.

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